Open positions

Postdocs (updated August 2024)

In 2025, we will start an ambitious EU-funded research project spanning 3 countries, 5 institutes, and led by our group here at KTH. We are looking for motivated postdocs with both experimental and computational experience. More info will be coming soon. If you think you may be interested, feel free to contact Ian for more information.

(Predoctoral) Master's Thesis Projects

The Molecular Programming Group is looking for motivated Master's thesis students (year-round) who want to conduct their thesis with us and work as part of our team. Students from SciLifeLab, KTH, KI, or other Master's programs are welcome to inquire. Our aim is to develop novel biotechnologies that use the programmable information storage capabilities of DNA to create molecular logical circuits, control the interactions of molecules, define structures at the nanoscale, and gather information from biological specimens through DNA sequencing methods. What motivates us is the satisfaction of finding clever ways to manipulate information with molecules to do surprising and useful things! We have multiple available Master's thesis options related to this project and others including those with an emphasis on (or combination of):

******Dry-lab computation:******
- Mathematics & network science
- Bioinformatics
- Machine learning & optimization

- Surface/polymer chemistry/materials engineering
- Molecular biology/biochemistry
- High-throughput DNA sequencing
- Device construction & fluidics

(To apply, please send by email your CV, grades/transcript, let us know your desired time frame, and tell us why you would like to join us, how you envision yourself fitting in, and what you hope to gain from the experience. ✉︎ ian.hoffecker (at)

Externally Funded Postdocs (any time)

Interested future postdocs! You are welcome to contact Ian regarding hosting applications to postdoc fellowships including the RED Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity (posted each year around December), Marie-Curie Fellowships (with deadlines typically in September each year), EMBO fellowships, or other. If you would like to prepare an application together, please send a CV and brief introduction to set up a meeting with Ian: (✉︎ ian.hoffecker (at) We will be happy to work with you to help you develop your project and application.

Join us

What it's like to work with us

Our group thrives on interdisciplinary collaboration, a necessity in the field of biotechnology development. We work in an hybrid dry/wet environment with both an experimental lab where we handle a wide range of materials and techniques, including hydrogels, chemical conjugation, cell cultures, RNA and DNA solutions, polymers, and surface chemistry. We also do a lot of programming and mathematics, we build devices, work with programmable valves and fluidic pressure control systems, and spend a lot of time thinking about networks. Students and postdocs are encouraged to incorporate computer programming into their work in order to handle and analyze the data they collect in the lab and understand it better with mathematical models. Our group culture is built on collaboration and continuous learning. We hold weekly meetings where group members discuss research ideas, journal articles, and the latest results.

lab scene

KTH, SciLifeLab, and Stockholm

We are located in Stockholm, a beautiful and bustling city in the heart of Scandanavia with exceptional quality of life, a rich history, and surrounded by nature and a stunning archipeligo. Best of all, Stockholm, home to the Nobel Prize, has one of the world's best scientific research cultures. We are located in SciLifeLab, one of the world's most prestigious research centers, and an international hub for molecular biosciences. Our home KTH department of Gene Technology, hosts state-of-the-art facilities, passionate and friendly colleagues, and a cozy community atmosphere. lab scene